Uncle Kel Bday 2022 Part 3

Celebrating my uncle…

Libra season was in full effect October 2022. Like most years, as we have many Libras in my family, October 1st begins the celebration season for us. This year we partied at Haydee’s Restaurant in DC. Unk rental out the whole club with a special guest performance from Suga Bear & EU.

Photos from eusugarbear.com

After the party was when thing got interesting. We had a long conversation about relationships between men and women. I got to hear the perspective of a man who is older and has had plenty of experience. His perspective was telling of the mindset of some men. Some men, I must repeat.

Sistas, it is very important to listen to a man when he speaks, and actions are just as important as words, if not more. Watch all 5 parts of this video to get inside the mind of a man as he reveals the secrets behind the mind of some men, and why he isn’t for you.

Parts 1, 2, 4, & 5 can be viewed with a membership Here

It drops right here March 28th, 2023. You can only see the other with a top level membership.

In Conclusion, this was a fun, long, educational, family night.

Do you have a month or zodiac sign that is packed for your family? Share below.

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