Afrikan Spirituality Support Network Application

Peace All,

Thank you for your interest in joining The Afrikan Spirituality Support Network.  If you are reading this, you might be embarking on a journey into rediscovering or open to meet other like-minded people in Afrikan Spirituality or some form of spirituality.  

This support network/group is a safe space for people of African decent with experiences in issues concerning the black community to talk, release, and listen.  We will explore the aspects of Afrikan Spirituality and what that looks like for an American born Afrikan in 2023.

Our goal in these discussions are to share, learn, teach, build, and discover natural methods of bringing in peace into our lives while supporting each other in a holistic lifestyle.  Come and talk or listen with other intelligent minds who not only wants to support your interests, but also support and share your goals in the advancement of our people and community.  The purpose of this group is educational as well as to foster inner peace through knowledge of Self and Nature. 

Discussions are confidential, non-judgemental, respectful, and positive energy driven.  This is not a place for hate speech, bully behavior, or emotion driven debates.  Educational and intellectual debates are acceptable.  If you are not interested in healing with your words, and not open to transforming your own negative mindset, this is NOT the group for you.

These sessions will include topic based forums, research and lite self-study, to enhance your knowledge in Afrikan Spirituality.  This network also offers accountability partners, weekly check-ins, and virtual sessions.

This is not an informational session on Traditional African Spirituality.  These discussions are mainly based on exploring the spiritual practices of American Afrikan Spiritualists, which are partially rooted in Traditional African Spirituality.

Afrikan Spirituality is the any form of spiritual expression practiced with respect and reverence to the origins of the continent of African.

The Application and EventBrite link can be found below…

How to Join

Complete the Application 

Wait for a Call Back/Interview – 15min Interview 

Receive Acceptance or Notice of Future Events

Complete Registration

First Session TBA

Virtual Meetings 

Every Sunday 


Check-ins Wednesday’s 

Complete the Application Below


There are no right or wrong answers.

Info Box

Topics are including, but not limited to;

What is Afrikan Spirituality?

Ancestral Reverence

Altars and Spiritual Tools

Is Afrikan Spirituality or Spirituality witchcraft or devil worship?

How does spirituality relate to religion?

Astrology and birth charts

Nutrition for the AfriKan 

Kujichagulia- how to be self-sufficient 

Building Brothahoods and Sistahoods 

Small Business starting, owning, operating, and building

We all can sing together
Discussions are confidential
Positive Energy
No hate speech
No Bully behavior

We will contact you once your application is received.

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