The Tarot Cards Guide: FOR BEGINNERS

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What is Tarot?

Tarot Cards for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide

Tarot cards have long been regarded as a powerful tool for self-discovery, divination, and spiritual guidance. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience, exploring the world of tarot can be an exciting and enlightening journey. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on tarot cards for beginners.

What are Tarot Cards?

Tarot cards are a deck of 78 cards, each with its own unique imagery and symbolism. The deck is divided into two main parts – the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, representing major life events and archetypal energies. The Minor Arcana is further divided into four suits – Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles – each symbolizing different areas of life.

In esoteric tarot, the three most common decks used are the Tarot of Marseilles (a playing card pack), the Rider–Waite–Smith tarot deck, and the Thoth tarot deck. I personally favor Rider-Waite tarot decks. I highly recommend this deck for beginners. I found this deck to be helpful with learning and memorizing the cards because they offer written as well as symbolic descriptions/images to correspond with the energy of the cards.

Getting Started with Tarot

  1. Choosing the Right Tarot Deck: There are various tarot decks available, each with its own artistic style and interpretation. Take your time to find a deck that resonates with you, as it will be your tool for self-reflection and intuition. Do your research. The cards will choose you.
  2. Understanding Card Meanings: Start by familiarizing yourself with the meanings of each card. Many tarot decks come with accompanying guidebooks that provide insight into the symbolism of the cards. Remember, the interpretation of tarot cards can be subjective, so trust your intuition as you delve into their meanings. Practice pulling cards daily to improve your memory. Pick a card to connect with each day. Test yourself. If you have knowledge of astrology, it will assist you correlating what you already know because tarot and astrology have corresponding energies.
  3. Performing Tarot Readings: When performing a tarot reading, it’s important to create a calm and sacred space. You MUST always remember to cleanse your cards, to allow new fresh messages to come through. You MUST not forget to protect your tarot reading session. Use the methods of cleansing and protection that fits your comfort. You can begin by shuffling the cards while concentrating on your question or intention. Once you feel ready, draw the cards intuitively and arrange them in a spread. Spreads can be preplanned or spontaneous, depending on the reader.
  4. Interpreting Tarot Cards: Tarot cards can convey different meanings depending on their position and the surrounding cards. Take time to analyze each card in relation to your question or situation. Pay attention to symbols, colors, and emotions evoked by the cards to gain deeper insights.
  5. Keeping a Tarot Journal: Keeping a tarot journal is an excellent way to track your progress, personal interpretations, and intuitive insights. Write down the cards you draw, the spreads you use, your observations, time and dates, and outcomes or confirmations. Over time, you’ll develop a personal connection with the cards and enhance your understanding.

Tarot Ethics and Guidelines

  1. Respecting Privacy: When reading tarot for others, it’s essential to respect their privacy and boundaries. Seek permission before conducting a reading and ensure confidentiality. Do not read energy of cards regarding privacy matters or matters you don’t have permission to delve into. It is wrong, and can cause repercussions for you. The one exception is when it directly involves you (or your circle(spouse, children, parents) and your safety or peace.
  2. Empowering, not Predicting: Remember, tarot cards are tools for self-awareness and empowerment. They do not predict the future with absolute certainty. Instead, they provide guidance and shed light on potential paths or aspects to consider.
  3. Honoring Free Will: Tarot readings should never be used to manipulate or control others. Everyone has free will, and tarot is meant to offer guidance, not impose decisions.
  4. Seeking Professional Help: If you’re dealing with complex emotional issues or mental health concerns, it’s important to seek professional help from a qualified therapist or counselor. Tarot cards can complement therapy but should not replace it.

Tarot Reading with Nkosazana Videos


Is Tarot Bad?

No, tarot is not bad or evil. Tarot is simply a tool that can be used to gain insight into the future, get advice, and explore the different aspects of life. It is up to the individual to interpret and use the cards in whatever way they choose.

Anything can be viewed as both good and bad depending on the context and perspective of the person looking at it. For example, a situation can be seen as good or bad depending on how it affects the individual involved. For example, winning a lottery may be seen as a good thing if it brings financial security to the individual, but it could also be seen as a bad thing if it brings a lot of unwanted attention. Similarly, a person’s actions can be seen as either good or bad depending on the intent behind them. For example, a person helping a stranger could be seen as a good deed, but if they are doing it for ulterior motives then it could be seen as a bad thing. Ultimately, it all depends on the context and perspective of the individual.

Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural or other means. It can be used for good or bad depending on the intentions of the practitioner. For example, a person may use divination to seek guidance on their life path or to make decisions that will benefit them and others. On the other hand, divination can be used for ill-will, such as seeking knowledge of how to harm others or to take advantage of them. Ultimately, how divination is used depends on the individual’s own moral code and intentions.

Embrace the Tarot Journey

Embarking on the journey with tarot canbe a beautiful and transformative experience. Remember, there are no right or wrong interpretations – trust your intuition, embrace your unique perspective, and allow the cards to guide you on your path of self-discovery and personal growth. Happy tarot reading!

*Disclaimer: Tarot readings are subjective and should be used for entertainment purposes only.

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