Crystals and Stones NOT safe for Yoni Eggs

Crystals and Stones NOT safe for Yoni Eggs

woman wearing white bikini holding a flower
Photo by Cliff Booth on

There are several crystals and stones that are not safe for use as Yoni Eggs. These include:

1. Selenite – This crystal is not safe for use as a Yoni Egg because it is a very soft mineral and can easily break or chip, which could cause harm to the vaginal walls. Additionally, selenite dissolves in water, which could cause it to break down and release toxins. This clear, white stone contains gypsum, which can cause stomach irritation if ingested.

2. Halite (also known as Himalayan salt) – This crystal is also very soft and can easily break or dissolve in the vaginal environment. It can also contain impurities and toxins that could be harmful to the body.

3. Celestine – This crystal is not safe for use as a Yoni Egg because it is a brittle mineral and can easily break or chip, which could cause harm to the vaginal walls. It can also release toxic substances when in contact with water.

4. Malachite – This stone is not recommended for use as a Yoni Egg because it contains high levels of copper, which can be toxic to the body. It can also easily break or chip, causing harm to the vaginal walls.

5. Pyrite – This crystal is not safe for use as a Yoni Egg because it can easily break or chip, which could cause harm to the vaginal walls. It also contains high levels of sulfur, which can be toxic to the body.

6. Labradorite – This stone is not recommended for use as a Yoni Egg because it contains high levels of aluminum, which can be toxic to the body. It can also easily break or chip, causing harm to the vaginal walls.

7. Amazonite – This crystal is not safe for use as a Yoni Egg because it contains high levels of lead, which can be toxic to the body. It can also easily break or chip, causing harm to the vaginal walls.

8. Chrysocolla – This stone is not recommended for use as a Yoni Egg because it can contain high levels of copper and aluminum, which can be toxic to the body. It can also easily break or chip, causing harm to the vaginal walls.

Rose quartz crystal vaginal yoni egg

It is important to note that all crystals and stones have the potential to contain impurities or toxins, even if they are not listed here. It is best to do thorough research and consult with a knowledgeable practitioner before using any crystal or stone as a Yoni Egg.

The Crystals listed below are also unsafe to use internally, as elixirs, or as Yoni Eggs. 

1. Lead crystal – This type of crystal contains lead, which is a toxic metal and can be fatal if ingested.

2. Hematite – This metallic grey stone contains iron and oxidizes with moisture (and is prone to rusting), which can be toxic if ingested in large quantities.

3. Fluorite – This colorful stone can be harmful if ingested in large amounts.

4. Azurite – This deep blue stone contains copper, which can be toxic if ingested.

5. Stibnite – This metallic grey stone contains antimony, which can be toxic if ingested.

6. Galena – This shiny grey stone contains lead, which is poisonous if ingested.

7. Cinnabar – This bright red stone contains mercury, which is highly toxic if ingested.

8. Chrysotile – This fibrous white stone contains asbestos, which can lead to serious lung issues if ingested.

9. Chrysocolla – This is a blue-green mineral that can contain small amounts of arsenic. It’s mainly found in the US and Peru.

10. Epidote – This is a green mineral that can contain trace amounts of arsenic. It is commonly used in jewelry.

11. Angelite- contains lead

12. Chalcopyrite – contains sulphur

13. Calcite- dissolves over time

14. Turquoise- contains copper

15. Rhodochrosite- contains lead

16. Sunstone – contains aluminum

17. Pyrite- This crystal can become sulfuric acid

18. Rutilated Quartz- The fibers might be rough or break off and carries bacteria

19. Tourmalated Quartz- This crystal can be rough and carry bacteria

20. Tiger’s Eye – contains asbestos fibers that break off easily

21. Serpentine – This crystal creates asbestos in its fibrous form

22. Sodalite – contains aluminum

23. Chalcedony- This crystal is porous and will hold on to bacteria

24. Dyed crystal- Some dyes are toxic

Pyrite Egg. Not suitable for a Yoni Egg

Yoni Safe Crystals

Here are a few crystal that are normally suitable for your Yoni. They work because they withstand body heat, moisture, extensive cleansing and being submersed in fluids. Your new Crystal Yoni Egg should be completely smooth with no surface imperfections and no jagged edges.  The egg should be smooth to the touch and professionally polished and buffed. If there are crevices, cracks, or jagged cuts on your egg, please do not insert it into your vagina. Use it in your meditation space or on your alter for specific needs. 

Choose a credible supplier, read reviews, and etc. to insure you are not wasting your money. Don’t just take someone’s word. Do your research on the product and the person. 

  • Natural Quartz- not rutilated or tourmalated
  • Jade
  • Amethyst
  • Rose Quartz
  • Carnelian

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